The Decline to State archives

by Rudd-O — last modified 2021-12-01T01:45:02+00:00
Empowering you to see the manipulative rhetoric, from rulers and beneficiaries, that surrounds you, every Wednesday at 10 PM EST.

Show #34: December 12 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Mar 18, 2013 07:50 PM
The Decline to State team welcomes Tom Woods! We discuss where the fire in the liberty movement in the absence of Ron Paul is going to come from. How do we educate people to be warm to the ideas of liberty? Can the DTS team contain their feels for the great champion of liberty? Tune in to find out!

Show #33: December 05 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Mar 04, 2013 06:52 AM
The DTS crew discusses illegal drugs, their effects and the impact on society. Topics include: SEC investigating Bitcoin fraud, pirateat40's Bitcoin Ponzi scheme, Nefario's Bitcoin stock exchange shut down, Ponzi scheme victims and drug abusers cry, "I need the state to protect me from myself!" The criminal slave class, and more.

Show #28: November 15 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Dec 01, 2012 02:25 AM
The Decline to State team sits down with entrepreneur and angel investor Corey Tisdale. Corey shares with us the secrets to running a successful business. How do you handle the stress and risk? What hurdles have you faced? How many underpants did you steal to make profit? Answers to these questions and more inside! Listen in!

Show #30: November 14 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Dec 14, 2012 11:25 PM
Kwash, Ron, and Wrong talk to Ben Stone of the Bad Quaker podcast about what it means to be a Bad Quaker, how Ben decided to start podcasting, his family history and knowledge of Appalachian history, how the State is a recent invention in humanity, being selective in who you share your values with, even in your own family, gardening is healthy for your body and mind, and more.

Show #29: November 11 2012 with Jordan Harbinger

by The Decline to State team — last modified Dec 15, 2012 03:08 AM
In this episode, DtS discusses the most interesting type of voluntary interaction of, and finds out just how much proper dating technique and voluntarism have in common. As it turns out, a lot. ------- Ronald McPaul (please excuse over-saturated audio) invites long time hero, Jordan Harbinger, of both PickUp Podcast ( and The Art of Charm school ( to chat with Decline to State about teaching men how to get the girl, for a living. He even drops some good insights on the show. Jordan is passionate about teaching 'social dynamics' and not letting his clients settle for the first girl that shows them interest; the goal is unapologetically going after what you want. ----- JamesCarlin and ToastyTime join. James shares how the 'seduction community' is actually what helped him reach the voluntarist community. James goes far to help the audience connect the dots between these two big life approaches. Toast shares his interest in education and gets some good feedback from Jordan about the greater applicability of these communication skills.

Show #31: November 07 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jan 28, 2013 09:53 AM
The Decline to State team sits down with /r/libertarian moderator, Rightc0ast, to discuss the growth of the movement, post-election woes, and the intricacies of running one of the most popular liberty hubs on the internet.

Show #27: October 17 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Nov 01, 2012 03:40 PM
We welcome blogger, writer, and YouTube sensation Aurini to the show to discuss his upcoming new science-fiction novel. Aurini shares with us his controversial, unique and insightful views on society today, answers questions from the audience, and elaborates on where we're all headed.

Show #24: September 30 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Oct 07, 2012 08:13 AM
Voluntaryist meta concerns; how does an ancap society defend itself from organized aggressions; feuds between political factions; effective ways to talk about liberty and voluntaryism without angering anyone; factions and friction in the voluntaryism community; insurance as a mechanism to minimize damage and the costs of violence; people willing to pool money to aggress against others; the inner-city violence and its root causes in the State of contemporary society; affirmative action for the recreational pharmaceutical industry; President Obamahaha.

Show #23: September 26 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Oct 03, 2012 08:18 AM
Recent events in the financial market: eternal summer of quantitative easing; free money being pumped into the economy; the reality of inflation and the possibility of massive inflation; moral hazards; liquidity traps; the Federal Reserve; the price of metals and other commodities is going up; tungsten-filled "gold" bars; suggestions to protect oneself against metal fraud; biometric recording of millions of voices; currency and barter in the wake of natural disaster; Anonymous declares war on Philadelphia.

Show #22: September 23 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Sep 27, 2012 01:40 AM
The Decliners get together with Walter Block to talk about his book, attacks to Ron Paul, the deontological ethics of running for office, his counterattacks to libertarians who criticized Ron Paul, free speech absolutism, defending the indefensible, legal slavery contracts, and the traditional bizarro mode; how voluntaryism is not perfect; people getting State benefits and their refusal to accept voluntaryism; how archoexceptionalism favors State solutions; statism and the same religious traps of "Godvernment is wonderful"; attacking fantastic State solutions; voluntaryism doesn't provide what people want, it's just a framework to help them attain that; the real problem that voluntaryism solves; "post-voluntaryism" lollercoaster; solutions to proXblems in a voluntaryist framework.

Show #20: September 16 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Sep 18, 2012 06:03 AM
The Decliners get together to discuss the topic of agorism; peaceful interactions against the rules of the State; tipping cash as a form of agorism; Bitcoin, Silk Road and other forms of pseudonynous or anonymous value exchange as a form of agorism; reputation in interactions; Ron on Live Cams; prostitution and choosing your relationships voluntarily; Las Vegas, Hamburg and prostitution; the exploding unemployment of minorities; schools and how increasingly honest they are in conveying the fact that they are prisons for children; how home educators are agorists; how having unabused, smart kids is central in replacing the State; "truancy" as a made-up crime that really means "your kids cannot be on the street, and if they are, we'll take them away"; is voting immoral?; the odds of dying going to the voting booth compared to the odds of influencing the election; voting as a popularity contest; how pointless is it to pay attention to the "news"; how people watching "news" do it for feel-good and comfort; the older generations and their complicity in the current state of the world; negative emotions and how they impede personal growth; pointing out the thuggery of the State; methods of agorism that you can practice; adolescents smoking pot before class.

Show #18: September 09 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Sep 10, 2012 12:54 AM
Campaign contributions in Bitcoin for New Hampshire Secretary of State; New York Police Department branch starts up in Israel; TSA checking and ruining drinks bought inside airport terminals; seasteading and Honduras free / charter cities; limited liability and corporate personhood in a free society.

Show #17: September 05 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Sep 08, 2012 07:52 PM
The one in which we discuss shaving, Bitcoin, Bitcoin "fair-bet" casinos, Bets of Bitcoin, futarchy, Romney's unfortunate tax returns extortion scandal and blackmail politics, eh, politics. Jeffrey Tucker from Laissez Faire Books joins us and talks to us about many other topics: what the State is and the reality of the State; the power of the Internet in communicating human liberty; the threat that the mercantilism of intellectual poverty represents to freedom and humanity; how the world is managed by regulatory cruft; how home appliances are coming under attack by the State; Mexicoke!; the failure of the State system of education; the nonsense that is passed off as "philosophy" in collegiate levels; people walking away from the "education" scam; Rebecca Black's Friday; Laissez Faire Books and running a successful business by publishing the commons; drinking and winning; transhumanism; Jeffrey Tucker goes full-on bizarro! Hans-Hermann Hoppe's new book "The Great Fiction".

Show #15: August 26 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Aug 30, 2012 09:46 AM
Bob Murphy joins us for a leisurely conversation about: Nashville; karaoke; privatizing defense; the pitfalls of teaching; talking to audiences and being passionate; Austrian economics; the Free State Project; the classic roasts at Porcfest; the use of defensive and retributive violence; Murray Rothbard and fractional reserve banking; utopianism in the liberty movements; and, of course, zombies!

Show #14: August 22 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Aug 23, 2012 11:43 PM
ttk2 showcases his Civcraft creation, where people come together to engage in the great pastime and challenge of Mankind: civilization. And, of course, special guest Stefan Molyneux from Freedomain Radio fame joins us, openly declares that he, too, Declines to State, talks about democracy, how people manipulate instead of addressing arguments, how the indoctrinated mind suffers pain when exposed to truths, intellectual poverty, the disaster that is education, Brett Venoitte, mutualism, libel and slander, daycare and malevolent daycare workers, the challenges of fomenting the free market, raffles a book that jscoppe won, and he introduces his documentary to our audience.

Show #12: August 15 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Aug 16, 2012 07:46 AM
Ademo's caging -- juries can be worse than the "justice" system they abet; reaching unreachable people and changing people's minds; a real-life firefighter calls about voluntary firefighting and government intrusion in firefighting; Germany wants to fine Facebook for "illegal" kickass parties; Bass Pro Shops and crony capitalism; Peter Schiff opens a hard money bank; Assange's fate in the Ecuadorian embassy in London; the winner of the raffle for Everything Voluntary is announced.

Show #11: August 12 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Aug 13, 2012 12:25 AM
Addressing the fears of people posing questions; Somalia / Love it or leave it / What about the rodes? How a stateless society achieves protection against wars; a fear-based conception of the world; people want to be good, and evil people abuse that tendency; is it possible to go to war as a company without the legitimacy of a government? how to prevent monopolies? monopolies in the field of arbitration; how to solve the mass pollution problem; what happens when no company wants to arbitrate a pollution case? what if people need a social institution to relieve their natural-born inclination towards violence? AUTHORITAY and the effects on the child (and adult's) mind; the consequence of archoexceptionalism produced by this upbringing; George Carlin's last rant; most people don't naturally want to be ruled violently, and we know this because an elaborate propaganda campaign is used to distort their reality; revolutions as reality breaking through the distortions of reality; charter cities and Civcraft; how different property systems can peacefully coexist in different civilizations.

Show #10: August 09 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Aug 10, 2012 01:14 AM
Ian Freeman from Free Keene joins us; yet one more case of government "justice" system corruption; the regulatory burden in New Hampshire; getting people elected and the legislative branch; disobedience of injustice and Zen-handling of government cages; the hard parts of running a successful radio show; myths about the liberty movement; Occupy Free State; infiltrators in the liberty movements; helicopter moms; Detroit's not doing so well; Irwin Schiff's situation; Silk Road's humongous volume; Bitcoin; GLBSE.

Show #9: August 05 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Aug 06, 2012 12:36 AM
Effective communication of liberty ideas; non-violent communication; real-time relationships; neuro-linguistic programming; how to detect and avoid negative frames; the drain of time that is political and religious conversations; moralizing in the context of conversations; cat pictures on the Internet; why people defend government actions; Livestockholm Syndrome and family-based attachment to abusive entities; being and remaining calm to win the point; Penn Jilette and Rachel Maddow; the Against Me argument and other ways to triage and persuade people; how to disassemble pre-scripted conversations; calm vs. desperate demeanor when discussing ideas about liberty; tactics to communicate effectively with people of different political persuasions (liberals, conservatives); nice buildup to an upcoming intellectual poverty / property conversation; OSHA regulations; Environmental Pollution Agency; economics and optimization arguments; marriage "rights"; ethical judgments; picking and choosing your morals from the Bible (or the Law); anarcho-communism, propertarianism, Hoppean rules of property and aggression.

Show #8: August 01 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Aug 07, 2012 04:36 AM
Hong Kong and Chinese nationalism in schools; top-paying jobs and the sleight-of-hand of the 10% upper rung; phone carriers, bandwidth and intellectual poverty; a caller tells us about the carrier monopolies; a hero in Keene is punished for victimless crimes, and a full-feature film is made about him; Hocnet as the emerging capitalist darknet.