The Decline to State archives

by Rudd-O — last modified 2021-12-01T01:45:02+00:00
Empowering you to see the manipulative rhetoric, from rulers and beneficiaries, that surrounds you, every Wednesday at 10 PM EST.

Show #54: June 19 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 25, 2013 04:26 AM
The Decline to State team talks to fellow Decliner and Redditor Pyromine, a libertarian youth who is still struggling to free himself from the shackles of public schooling. We talk about the difficulties of adopting philosophy as a youngster and how public schooling creates an environment where statism is the norm. How does Pyromine handle the gauntlet? Tune in to find out!

Show #53: June 05 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 21, 2013 02:28 AM
Decline to State celebrates its 1 year anniversary! Join the casters as we talk about the ups and downs of our beloved first year of broadcasting. What were our favorite moments? What were our most loathed mistakes? How do we plan on changing things up in the future? Tune in and find out!

Show #52: May 29 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 25, 2013 04:28 AM
George Donnelly, founder of Shield Mutual, a libertarian PR defense organization, joins us for a hardcore discussion about fighting the State. Shield Mutual is an organization setup to spread the message of the State's clampdowns on libertarian activists and intrusions upon everyday people alike. George has big hopes and big dreams for Shield Mutual. You'll want to check this one out for sure.

Show #51: May 15 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 25, 2013 04:28 AM
Libertarian animator Bitbutter joins us from jolly ol' England. We talk about the production of the well respected and well known "George Ought to Help" video. What goes into making animated youtube productions? This is where you'll get the inside scoop. Listen in!

Show #50: May 08 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 25, 2013 04:30 AM
Edward Miller, proponent of "Effective Altruism", joins us to discuss and debate the merits of utilitarian philosophy, Georgism, and charity. Edward gives us a run down of how we should seek to be effective in our charity and generosity, not act selfishly to gain social status. How does the philosophy of effective altruism mesh with anarcho-capitalist philosophy? Are we friends? Would we be matched up on eHarmony? Listen in and find out!

Show #49: May 01 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 25, 2013 04:24 AM
The Decline to State team talks with Sondre, a listener from Norway about the reality of social democracy in the land of vikings. Why do people consider Norway proof that social democracy "works?" What makes Norway so good if the State is so bad? Do they really wear those funny helmets? Are they really that good at building roads? Listen in to find out!

Show #48.1: Aftershow for April 17 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 25, 2013 04:31 AM
Celso stays on for the aftershow. We talk about some of the technical goodness of btcjam. What's going on behind the scenes? What does it take to build a successful web application? Listen in to learn some of the juicy details we didn't fit in the main show!

Show #48: April 17 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 25, 2013 04:31 AM
Celso Cardoso, founder of BTCJam, a microloaning site that uses BTC. Celso is a computer scientist with a specialization in neural networking. He shares with us the motivation behind BTCJam, his technical expertise on neural networking and distributed computing, his thoughts on bitcoin in general, and his love of Brazilian women with large derrieres.

Show #47: April 10 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 21, 2013 12:50 AM
The DTS team examine the bitcoin price rollercoaster. Listen to this show to hear our reactions to the bitcoin bubble, our predictions on the price, and our thoughts on bitcoin's future. Did we nail it? Listen in and find out! Also, we talk about the Ron Paul homeschooling curriculum, starring Tom Woods and Gary North.

Show #46: April 03 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 25, 2013 04:31 AM
Redditor and listener Tom (KantLockeMeIn) joins us with a discussion about the FCC, regulation of spectrum, and technology in the realm of wireless communications. What might this system look like in an anarcho-capitalist society? What problems do we have today? Tune in to take a big gulp of the engineering knowledge slurpy.

Show #45: March 20 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 25, 2013 04:32 AM
The Decliners talk about Bitcoin during the big price surge. Redditor and listener Krackor joins us for a great discussion about the pros and cons about Bitcoin. Where will the price head? Is it here for good? Can it survive the bubble? Tune in and find out!

Show #44.1: Aftershow for March 13 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified May 06, 2013 06:00 AM
The DTS crew continues the discussion on personality and its application to education. On this aftershow: Know-thy-self as a tool for self-improvement rather than a rationalization for shortcomings. Who will be our next guest? The dangers of Marxist "victim" classism.

Show #44: March 13 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 25, 2013 04:32 AM
Anne from the Johnson O'Connor Research Foundation joins us to discuss personality assessments! How are some of the traditional methods for personality testing obsolete and inconclusive? What does Johnson O'Connor do better? We get to explore some of the ways people differ in aptitudes, and how that can affect their comfort in occupations, institutions (such as schooling) and life situations. This is a must-listen episode. Check it out.

Show #43: March 06 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified May 06, 2013 05:49 AM
The Decline to State team talks about how to spur creativity and innovation. Toastytime gives us a look into the modern public school classroom, where we see the difference between how students get "educated" in class vs on the internet and elsewhere. We examine the flaws of "big science" vs real, everyday innovation. How does government distort the market for scientific discovery? Tune in to find out!

Show #42: February 20 2013 with Kevin Carson

by The Decline to State team — last modified May 07, 2013 07:39 AM
This episode is a prerecord from earlier in the week. Kevin Carson, a well-known and well-respected mutualist talks to us about mutualism, his views on a free society, and more. We get to hear his views on economics, including his ideas on how to fuse the Labor Theory of Value with the Subjective Theory of Value, business structures, management, history, and technology.

Show #41: February 13 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified May 06, 2013 06:11 AM
RonaldMcPaul does a book report on Spark by John J. Ratey, on the positive effects of exercise on brain function. This is a normal brain... this is a brain on aerobic exercise... Ron and Toast discuss what physical activity does to your noggin, how self-improvement is a part of individualism, and other ways that exercise helps our lives!

Show #40: February 06 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified May 02, 2013 05:02 AM
Eternal, Wrong_Opinion, Ron, and Toast have a chit-chat: Website design, Decline to State is spreading virally (like herpes), The moral argument for liberty is the elephant in the room, be a facilitator instead of an explainer, the "BIG other", the God Machine, Walter Block and flagpoles, political nihilism, use the argument that works for the listener, be open to all kinds of arguments.

Show #39: January 23 2013 with Stephan Kinsella

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jan 29, 2013 07:15 PM
The Decline to State team sits down with patent lawyer and libertarian author Stephan Kinsella. We delve deep into the roots of property rights - where do they come from? Was Locke wrong? Why is intellectual property fundamentally different from normal property? How long does it take Decline to State to bring up bitcoins? Listen to find out answers to these perplexing questions!

Show #38: January 16 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified May 06, 2013 05:48 AM
A homebrew discussion of "what is justice"? How will a libertarian society decide on just property norms? The crew talks about how polycentric law can solve those problems, complete with a call-in from our friend Bravescot!

Show #37: January 09 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Apr 11, 2013 03:56 AM
The DTS crew discusses the so-dreaded burnout! What happens when nobody takes you seriously? What happens when politics doesn't work, and the State keeps statin'? How do you deal with life without Alf? Tune in to hear our stories and solutions.

Show #36: January 02 2013

by The Decline to State team — last modified Apr 11, 2013 03:47 AM
Larken Rose joins us on the Decline to State cast for a fantastic hour of liberty-rich content. We discuss Larken's battle with the taxman, his books and speaking career, his journey to voluntarism, and why he chose the path he chose. Larken does a great job in this cast discussing the simple flaws in statism that we can reveal to unsuspecting anarchy-noobs. Larken is anarchist conversion machine.

Show #35: December 19 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Apr 11, 2013 03:41 AM
The Decline to State team welcomes prolific libertarian mind, economist, professor, and author David Friedman to the show! David discusses his smash hit Machinery of Freedom, seasteading, anarcho-capitalism goodness, and we beat the already dead but slightly twitching bitcoin horse into a bloody pulp. Tune in, you won't want to miss this one!