The Decline to State archives

by Rudd-O — last modified 2021-12-01T01:45:02+00:00
Empowering you to see the manipulative rhetoric, from rulers and beneficiaries, that surrounds you, every Wednesday at 10 PM EST.

Show #7: July 29 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Aug 03, 2012 12:44 AM
Solutions to the problems of education; alternative Learning: tutoring, weekend classes, etc; modern internet-age resources (i.e. tutorials, video-tutorials, Kahn Academy, etc; autodidactism (self teaching); alternative resources for learning; unschooling; the mindset of learning; curiosity, playfulness; producing something unique for yourself, hands on; motivation; seeing the product of your efforts; tangible returns.

Show #6: July 22 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 23, 2012 12:46 AM
Modern "education"; the origins of schooling; the original and true purpose of schooling; blind obedience to authority; how schooling rots the mind of children; the force and shame involved in molding children; a shoutout to School Sucks podcast.

Show #5: July 18 2012

by The Decline to State team — last modified Jul 19, 2012 05:54 AM
Gold and Bitcoin prices; and the same-day delivery; anarcho-socialism, Star Trek and rationing; pollution and statist methods; statist scientists and aliens; Summer Steam sale; Google's preservation of ancient languages... and a beautiful bumper song.